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Aveuglami project - folding sheet

Loving Eyes

Author Horiguchi Masaya
Category heart
Difficulty **
Format square
Base waterbomb
Text Fun folding, which imitates an eye whose pupil would be a heart. You will, of course, need two to make the eyes. It is best to use a two-color sheet, for example blue and white.

1. Take a square sheet, two-tone, color on top. Hold it in a horizontal position.

2. Fold into a valley, from top to bottom, the horizontal median.

3. Fold the lower left corner obliquely, in a valley from left to right, so that the left side of the corner meets the hinge fold. Unfold.
4. Fold the lower right corner obliquely, in a valley from right to left, so that the right side of the corner meets the hinge fold. Unfold.

5. Open the fold.

6. Fold into the valley, from right to left, the vertical median. Unfold.

7. Flip the fold from right to left.
The square is marked by its mountain medians and an oblique valley fold in each lower square.

8. Fold the two diagonals into a valley. Unfold.

9. Form the base of the water bomb. Hold it with the closed point downwards, the front triangular flap having to be marked by two oblique mountain folds.

10. Mark the vertical median by bringing the right tip of the right front flap to the left tip of the left front flap. Unfold.
The middle of the upper side of the front triangular flap is easily visible, with three folds joining there.

11. Bring, by a valley fold from bottom to top through all the thicknesses, the lower point on the midpoint of the upper edge of the triangular shape. To mark. Unfold.

12. Make a petal fold by bringing the midpoint of the upper triangular flap over the closed point. The two points of the triangular flap meet at the midpoint of the upper edge.
Each of the two triangular flaps transforms into a rectangular trapezoid marked, in its upper part, by an oblique mountain fold.

13. Performing a reverse fold using the oblique mountain fold starting from the upper left vertex of the left trapezoid, slide the upper left corner inside the left trapezoid. Mark the folds well.
The left trapezoid is transformed into a triangle.

14. Performing a reverse fold using the oblique mountain fold starting from the upper right vertex of the right trapezoid, slide the upper right corner inside the right trapezoid. Mark the folds well.
The right trapezoid is transformed into a triangle. We obtain a triangular shape with a square shape at the front broken down into two triangular sections which look like the small bases of the waterbomb.

Create the right part of the heart

15. Bring the right tip of the right triangular flap as far to the left as possible, rotating around the vertical axis of the shape.
We now obtain a rectangular trapezoid shape. From the summit that we have just brought to the left, a horizontal valley fold begins.

16. Using the valley fold that extends from the left vertex of the right trapezoid, tilt the top of the trapezoid downward by bringing the upper left vertex of the trapezoid to its lower vertex. The shape is now three-dimensional.
Be careful not to completely flatten the shape. We now have a triangular flap with a vertex on the left and a vertical side, the middle of which is easily identifiable.

17. Bring, by a valley fold from left to right, the left vertex of the upper triangle to the midpoint of its vertical right side. Mark well. Unfold.
We have now marked the midpoint of the horizontal median of the left triangle.

18. Bring, by an oblique valley fold from right to left, the vertex of the left triangle to the midpoint that we have just marked. To mark. Unfold.

19. By making a reverse fold using the oblique fold that you have just made, introduce the upper vertex inside the triangle.
It is easy to reverse the fold if you half-open the triangle along its right side.

20. Fold, using a vertical valley fold from left to right, the left vertex of the triangle. Mark strongly.
There is no marker. A fold of about a third of the distance between the top and the midpoint is good.

21. Return the starting flap to its original position, rotating it from left to right around the vertical axis.
The original triangle has been transformed into a pentagon which represents the right half of a heart.

Create the left part of the heart

22. Bring the left tip of the left triangular flap as far to the right as possible, rotating around the vertical axis of the shape.
We now obtain a rectangular trapezoid shape. From the summit that we have just brought to the right, a horizontal valley fold begins.

23. Using the valley fold that extends from the right vertex of the right trapezoid, tilt the top of the trapezoid downward by bringing the upper right vertex of the trapezoid to its lower vertex. The shape is now three-dimensional.
Be careful not to completely flatten the shape. We now have a triangular flap with a vertex on the right and a vertical side, the middle of which is easily identifiable.

24. Bring, by a valley fold from right to left, the right vertex of the upper triangle to the midpoint of its vertical left side. Mark well. Unfold.
We have now marked the midpoint of the horizontal median of the right triangle.

25. Bring, by an oblique valley fold from right to left, the vertex of the right triangle to the midpoint that we have just marked. To mark. Unfold.

26. By making a reverse fold using the oblique fold that you have just made, introduce the upper vertex inside the triangle.
It is easy to reverse the fold if you half-open the triangle along its left side.

27. Fold, using a vertical valley fold from left to right, the left vertex of the triangle. Mark strongly.
There is no marker. A fold of about a third of the distance between the top and the midpoint is good.

28. Return the starting flap to its original position, rotating it from left to right around the vertical axis.
The original triangle has been transformed into a pentagon which represents the left half of a heart. The heart is now complete.

29. Finish shaping by lightly pinching the ends of the eye and, if possible, slightly opening each half of the heart to give the impression of swelling.
All that remains is to fold a second eye and assemble everything using the pockets at the back of the fold. Perfect folding to accompany the text of Saint ExupŽry: We only see clearly with the heart, the essential is invisible to the eyes.

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Contents File
Loving Eyes - PDF file ML-Heart04Ang.pdf
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