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Dancer 1
Folding sheets
Dancer 1
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Aveuglami project - folding sheet

Dancer 1

Author Albertino Lionel
Category character
Difficulty *
Format square
Base box-pleating
Text This folding allows you to use a paper napkin, provided that it is of a fairly good size.

1. Fold the napkin into a vertical accordion, for example 16 strips. You have to be as regular as possible.

2. Tie a knot in the middle of the accordion, without tightening too hard so as not to tear the paper.

3. Spread the folds of the accordion at the top and bottom.

4. The bottom will form the dress. Simply form a corolla by bringing the two free edges of the bottom fan together to form a circle.

5. Bring down the two upper left and right corners of the upper fan symmetrically. This unfolds by forming a rounded point at the top, bordered on the right and left by two flaps ending in the corners that have been lowered.

6. To form the arms, make a twist from each point, going upwards, without going beyond the knot. Shape the arms.

7. To form the neck, make a new twist starting from the top of the two twists. Leave enough paper at the top to form the head.

8. Shape the head, for example by slightly folding the top of the tip to form the hair.

9. Level the bottom of the dress to make the dancer stand upright. A good napkin choice leads to a beautiful dancer.
1 file to download
Contents File
Dancer 1 - PDF file ML-Character03Ang.pdf
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