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Fortune Teller
Folding sheets
Fortune Teller
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Aveuglami project - folding sheet

Fortune Teller

Author Traditional
Category animated
Difficulty **
Format square
Base blintz
Text This folding allows for various and varied games, all based on the different shapes it can take.

1. Take a square sheet of paper. It can be two-tone.

2. Make a blintz base.

3. Turn the fold over to put it in diamond position.

4. Locate the center of the diamond and again make a blintz base.
We obtain a square in a horizontal position, quite thick.

5. Fold the square in half with a valley fold from bottom to top resting on the horizontal median.
We have a horizontal rectangular shape which hides the bottom left and right of each front and rear flap of the pockets.

6. Place thumbs and index fingers in the four pockets.

7. Push upwards so that the four upper corners (upper left and right corners of the front flap and the rear flap) meet.
1 file to download
Contents File
Fortune Teller - PDF file ML-Animated04Ang.pdf
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