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Aveuglami project
Small bibliography
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Small bibliography
Here are some titles that fueled the my reflection
Browse the 78 references
Select a reference from the list below:
book | Mari Kanegae | A Arte dos mestres de origami
book | Eric Kenneway | Complete Origami
book | Nick Robinson | Créations en origami
book | René Lucio | Das Grosse Origamibuch
book | Nicolas Terry | Découvrez l'origami
book | Yoshihide Momotani | Doll's House with Origami
book | Toshie Takahama | Enjoyable Foreign Countries Origami
book | | Essential Origami
book | Julian Gonzalez | Fantasias de Papel
book | Vicente Palacios | Fascinante papiroflexia
book | Toshie Takahama | Flower Origami, n° 5031
book | Wooster W. Beman | Geometric Exercises in Paper Folding
book | G. Rokoan | Hiden Senbazuru Orikata
book | | Idées de pliages en papier - Origami
book | Tomoko Fuse | Joyful Origami Boxes
book | | Le grand book de l’origami
book | Didier Boursin | Le kit origami
book | Lionel Albertino | Le panier fleuri
book | Ashley Wood | L'origami de A à Z
book | | L’origami - l’art de réaliser des objets en pliant le papier
book | Barbara E. Pearl | Math in Motion - Origami in the Classroom
book | Béatrice Gallo | Math outil - CE1 cycle 2 troisième année
book | Béatrice Gallo | Math outil - CE2
book | Béatrice Gallo | Math outil - CM1
book | Saburo Kase | Omoshiroi Hodo Yoku Oreru Origami Bukku
book | | Origami - 23 pliages de papier
book | Rick Beech | Origami - L'art du papier plié
book | Robert Harbin | Origami - L'art du pliage de papier 1
book | Robert Harbin | Origami - L'art du pliage de papier 2
book | Hilly Jongsma | Origami - Sehen mit der Händen
book | Joost Elffers | Origami : les pliages de papier japonais : un jeu, un art
book | Tomoko Fuse | Origami Boxes
book | Robert J. Lang | Origami Design Secrets - Mathematical Methods for an Ancient Art
book | J. M. Sakoda | Origami Flowers
book | Francis Ow | Origami Hearts
book | Megumi Biddle | Origami inspiré d'estampes japonaises
book | Kunihiko Kasahara | Origami Made Easy
book | Franco Pavarin | Origami motoscafi navi barche e velieri
book | Kunihiko Kasahara | Origami Omnibus - Paper Folding for Everybody
book | Robert Harbin | Origami Step-by-Step
book | Jeremy Shafer | Origami to Astonish and Amuse
book | Liz Meenan | Paper Magic - Folding Polygons
book | Eduardo Clemente | Papiroflexia
book | Vicente Palacios | Papiroflexia coleccion
book | Vicente Palacios | Papiroflexia selecta
book | Michel Darche | Pliages et mathématiques
book | Valérie Larose | Pliages et Mathématiques
book | Thomas Hull | Project Origami - Activities for Exploring Mathematics
book | Michie Sahara | Rokoan Style - The Art of Connecting Cranes
book | Ranana Benjamin | Teaching With Origami - Specific Techniques in Developing Cognitive Skills
book | Makoto Yamaguchi | The A to Z of Origami in English
book | | The New Origami
book | Nick Robinson | The Origami Bible
article | Paule Samson-Finidori | A la découverte des
article | Emöke Visloi | A Method of Teaching Origami to Visually Impaired Children in Hungary
article | Jacques Justin | Coniques et pliages - Démonstration par le pliage des théorèmes de Poncelet sur les tangentes aux coniques
article | Pascal Aymard | La Boîte à Pliages Géométriques
article | Paul-Henri Jeannel | Le chapeau de lutin
article | Vincent Floderer | Le papier crée l'espace
article | Michel Lucas | Le projet Aveuglami : enseignement de l’origami
article | Michel Lucas | Le projet Aveuglami : enseignement de l’origami aux aveugles et malvoyants.
article | Brig Laugier | books-Sculptures - Sculptures-books
article | Ian Harrison | Making Polyhedra
article | J Wilcox | Models to Teach
article | Saburo Kase | My Origami Teaching Method for the Physically Disabled (Including the Blind) and the Teacher attitude
article | Michel Lucas | Origami : quelques techniques de conception pour l'art du pliage de papier
article | Elsje van der Ploeg | Origami and Therapy ... Origami in Therapy ...? Origami is Therapy?
article | Robert Glynn | Paper Chain
article | S. T. Truitt | Paper Folding and the Visually Impaired Student
article | Florence Temko | Paperfolding in Schools
article | Saburo Kase | Physically Handicaped and Origami
article | Maryse Papineau | Pratiquer l’origami : et pourquoi pas nous ?
article | Jacques Justin | Résolution par le pliage de l'équation du troisième degré et applications géométriques
article | Michael Shall | Teaching Origami
article | René Lucio | The Folding of a Base- New Technical Possibilities for Demonstrating the Folding Process in Work with Blind People
article | Vincent Floderer | Vous avez dit : « aveugle » ?
diagramme | Divers | Modèles trouvés sur internet
congrès | John Smith | COET'91 - Conference on Origami in Education and Therapy
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