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Mouvement Français des Plieurs de Papier
M.F. P.P.

The Mouvement Français des Plieurs de Papier (French Movement of Paper Folders) brings together all folding enthusiasts into a non-profit association (association law 1901). It was created in 1978 by a young artist with a degree in decorative arts, Jean-Claude Correia, current honorary president.
The M.F.P.P. maintains regular contact with all folding associations around the world. In this, it remains faithful to the ideas of its founder: develop creation, artistic expression and communication through the practice of paper folding.
The head office of the movement is in Paris.
Address : 56 rue Coriolis
75012 Paris
Website :

The Aveuglami project was presented for the first time during the M. F. P. P. Days in May 2004.
Some experienced folders practiced folding with their hands under the table, based on the first scripts that I had written. The results were sometimes surprising!
I reported on the progress of the project in Le Plin° 104. The exchanges with many members of the M. F. P. P. helped me a lot in the first phase of the project.
2 files to download
Contents File
Presentation of the Blind and Origami project, May 2004 ProjAveuglami2004Ang.ppt
M. Lucas, The Aveuglami Project: teaching origami to the blind and visually impaired P104AveuglamiAng.pdf

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