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Association Valentin HaŸy

Created in 1889, the Valentin HaŸy Association (pronounced A-U-I) was recognized as being of public utility in 1891. Its founder, Maurice de la Sizeranne, who became blind at the age of 9, had the ambition of supporting the blind in their fight for access to culture and professional life.
Today, and consistently for 120 years, the Valentin HaŸy Association pursues the primary objective of its founder: to fight with and for visually impaired people for the recognition of their rights, their full participation in social life and professional, the development of their daily autonomy, their information and the information of the general public on the reality of visual disability, the means of its prevention and the need to always change the way society, and sometimes visually impaired people, view themselves, relate to disability.
The Valentin HaŸy Association is present throughout France. Its headquarters is in Paris. It has 85 regional and local committees and 8 establishments.
Address : 5 rue Duroc
75343 Paris cedex 07
Website : http://www.avh.asso.fr

Paper folding is an activity that dates back at least to 1916 in AVH's past. Indeed, RenŽ Dechaux, a blind French folder, set up in 1916, at the request of the Valentin HaŸy Association, a workshop-school for the rehabilitation of those wounded in the eyes of war.
For him, folding was a distraction, but he saw all the benefits that could be gained from it for the development of the spirit of observation, skill and creativity.
He had composed a collection of models of his invention, written in Braille. Available for a long time at the Valentin HaŸy Media Library, the work unfortunately seems to have disappeared.
The Aveuglami project took shape in the Nantes premises of the Loire-Atlantique Committee. From September 2004 to March 2011, I regularly gave origami lessons there, ultimately attended by around thirty blind people.
Numerous folding workshops were run by some of these folders, proof of the success of the project.
Two files to download  
Contents File
Photos of two models created by RenŽ Dechaux ReneDechauxAng.pdf
Article by M. Lucas on the ÒAveuglami projectÓ published in Òle Valentin HaŸyÓ in September 2005 articleAVH2005.pdf

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